Kristin Kozar
Kristin Kozar is the Digital Collections Specialist at the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC).
Kristin was born in Canoe Pass, Delta, B.C. and is a Hwlitsum First Nation Member. Kristin’s work primary focuses on research and engagement related to the colonial impact of residential schools and other policies imposed by the Canadian government on Indigenous Peoples. She is the co-lead for the IRSHDC’s Oral Testimony Program.
Kristin has completed her Masters of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree with a concentration in First Nation curriculum in 2018 and has previously worked at what was formerly known as UBC Aboriginal Health and has worked on a project where she researched and analyzed how to use Blockchain to give Indigenous peoples and communities autonomy over their own records. Kristin has also been a keynote speaker at the ACA conference on the topic of “Data Sovereignty for Indigenous Sovereignty.”